Mathematics - Spring
is no problem in the whole of mathematics which cannot be solved by
direct counting." - Ernst Mach

Lecture Descriptions, Homework, Play and Tests
Most of the material for this course will come from the text:
Mathematics: A
Discrete Introduction (Second Edition) by Edward Scheinerman,
Brooks/Cole 2006.
Most of the material covered will come from Sections 1-16, 19-24,
28-35, and 46-52.
The rest of the material will come from handouts and reading material
found on the course web page and the links thereon.

Week 1 - Monday Jan 24 and
Wednesday Jan 26
Lecture 1: Introduction
to proofs
- Constructive proofs
- The computational power of the collapsing-compass
- Proofs by case-analysis
- Web: Applet for Euclid's Second Proposition -
Lecture 2:
- The knotted-string computer
- If and only if theorems
- The Pythagorean Theorem and its converse
- Disproof by counter-example
- Text: Chapter 1, Sections 1-4, pp. 1-25.
- Web: Chapter 1, Section 1.1.
- The Pythagorean Theorem -
- The Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem -
Web: Chapter 1, Section
1.2.1 - Java applet for Hinged Disection
Proof of Pythagorean Theorem
Week 2 - Monday Jan 31 and
Wednesday Feb 2
Lecture 1:
- Logic
- Case-analysis proofs of logical equivalence via truth tables
- Boolean algebra and Boolean circuits
- AND, OR, and NOT gates
- Contradictions and tautologies
- Circuit complexity
- Text: Chapter 1, Sections 5-6, pp. 25-36.
- Web Tutorial on Boolean circuits and expressions (7 sections):
- Text: page 33, 6.11, 6.12
Lecture 2:
- De Morgan's Rules
- Universality Theorem
- Proof via sum-of-products expansions
- Majority function
- Odd parity function
- Threshold logic units (TLUs)
- Computational power of a TLU
- Linear separability
- Exclusive OR function
- Neural networks
- Combining Boolean and threshold logics: Rosenblat's Perceptron
- Prove in as much detail as you can that an uninhibited
McCulloch-Pitts threshold logic unit can compute only monotonic logical functions. (You
will need to do the reading assignment to solve this problem.)
- Text: Functions, pp. 193-197.
- Read Chapter 2 of Neural Networks - A Systematic Introduction by
R. Rojas: Threshold
Logic (PDF)
Week 3 - Monday Feb 7 and
Wednesday Feb 9
Lecture 1:
- Proofs by contradiction
- In a right-angle triangle the hypotenuse is less than the sum
on the other two sides.
- Maximum distance between two points in a polygon is
determined by a pair of vertices.
- Integers that are even and odd.
- Text: Chapter 4, Sections 19-20, pp. 135-142.
Lecture 2: To be given
February 23
- Proofs by contradiction continued
- If a^2 is even then so is a.
- Infinitude of prime numbers.
- Irrationality of the square root of 2.
- Contradicting irreducibility of integers
- Contradicting positivity of integers
- Diophantine equations: There are no positive integer
solutions to the equation x^2 - y^2 = 1.
- Induction proofs
- Weak induction - 3-coloring the vertices of a triangulated
- Proofs
by Contradiction Tutorial
Week 4 - Monday Feb 14 and
Wednesday Feb 16
Lecture 1: To be given
February 24
- More induction proofs
- Weak induction proofs in sums of sequences
- Strong induction - every triangulated polygon has at least
two exterior triangles (ears)
- Text: Chapter 4, Section 21, pp. 155-171.
Lecture 2: 40-minute-quiz
on contradiction proofs
Week 5 - Monday Feb 21 and
Wednesday Feb 23
Lecture 1:
- Functions
- Counting functions
- The pigeonhole principle
- Text: Chapter 5, Sections 23-24, pp. 193-211.
Lecture 2:
- Asorted notation
- Big oh
- Omega and Theta
- Little oh
- Floor and ceiling
- Text: Chapter 5, Section 28, pp. 236-244.
Week 6 - Monday Feb 28 and
Wednesday March 2
Lecture 1:
- Induction proofs continued
- Number of triangles in a triangulated polygon
- Two-coloring the faces of an arrangement of lines
- Existence of triangular faces in arrangements of lines
- Existence proofs
- Coloring points in the plane
- Interactive
Introduction to Graph Theory (Register and do the Quiz)
- Web: Coloring Points in the Plane -
Lecture 2:
- Induction proofs continued
- Tiling chess boards with triominoes
- Graphs
- Adjacencies, adjacency matrices, and the Hand-Shaking Lemma
- Combinatorial proofs
- Degree, simple graphs, regular graphs,
complete graphs, dense graphs, sparse graphs, edgeless graphs and empty
- Order, size,
- Isomorphic and isotopic graphs
- Plane graphs, planar graphs and graph embeddings
- Text: Section 46 - Fundamentals of Graph Theory, pp. 389-399.
Week 7 - Monday March 7 and
Wednesday March 9
Lecture 1:
- Sets and subsets
- Counting subsets
- Power sets
- Operations on sets
- Union
- Intersection
- Size - inclusion-exclusion counting
- Difference
- Symmetric difference
- Notation
- Big "Oh" - upper bounds
- Big "Ω" - lower bounds
- Big "Θ" - lower and upper bounds
- Ceiling and floor functions
- Models of computation
- Complexity of algorithms
- Practice Problems: Exercises
28, p. 242
Reading Assignment
- Text: Chapter 2 - Collections (lists, factorial, sets, counting
sets, quantifiers, union, intersection, symmetric difference), pp.
- Text: Chapter 5, Section 28 - Assorted Notation, pp. 236-242.
- Growth
of Functions (PDF file)
Lecture 2:
- Application of inclusion-exclusion to range searching
- Data-structures for answering queries efficiently
- The locus method
- Space complexity, preprocessing complexity, and query
- Web: Range
searching via locus method using inclusion-exclusion principle
(play with the applet)
- Text: Section 52 - Planar Graphs, pp. 435-438.
Week 8 - Monday March 14 and
Wednesday March 16
Lecture 1:
- Binomial coefficients
- Pascal's triangle
- More on graphs
- Euler's Formula - proof by double induction
Reading Assignment
- Text: Chapter 3, Section 16, Binomial Coefficients, pp. 104-117.
Lecture 2:
- Recurrence relations
- Linear search
- Binary search
- Number theory:
- Maximally even sets
- The greatest common divisor and the mod function
- The Euclidean algorithm
- Iterative version
- Recursive version
- Applications of the Euclidean algorithm:
- Musical rhythm generation
- Handout: Introduction
to recursion
- Web: The
Euclidean Algorithm Generates Traditional Musical Rhythms.
- Web: Euclidean
Week 9 - Monday March 21 and
Wednesday March 23
Lecture 1: Spring Break -
no class
Lecture 2: Spring Break -
no class
Week 10 - Monday March 28 and
Wednesday March 30
- More applications of the Euclidean algorithm:
- Pattern analysis and design
- The Pigeonhole Principle
- Integer lattice problems
- Recursion trees
- Divide-and-conquer
- Merge-sort
- Triangulating points in the plane
- Probability
- Sample space
- Events
Lecture 2:
- Probability continued
- Conditional probability
- Independence
- Multisets
- Homometric sets
- Examples of homometric sets in music theory
- Text: Chapter 6, Sections 29-31, pp. 245-266.
- Handout: Multisets in
Week 11 - Monday April 4 and
Wednesday April 6
Lecture 1:
- Induction proof of the Hexachordal Theorem
- Deep sets: examples from music theory
- Random variables
- Probability distributions and density functions
- Bernoulli trials and binomial random variables
- Independent random variables
- Expectation
- Product of random variables
- Measures of central tendency
Lecture 2:
- Random variables continued...
- The arithmetic mean - geometric mean inequality
- Induction proof of the AM-GM inequality
- The Monty Hall problem
- The Pigeonhole Principle in algorithm design
- The largest gap problem
- Handout: Simple
Induction Proof of the Arithmetic Mean - Geometric Mean Inequality
- Handout: A
linear-time algorithm for computing the maximum gap among a set
of numbers (a marriage between the floor function and the
Pigeonhole Principle)
- Text: Chapter 6, Sections 32-33, pp. 276-291.
Week 12 - Monday April 11 and
Wednesday April 13
Lecture 1:
- Graph theory
- Subgraphs
- Connections
- Paths
- Cycles
- Hamiltonian graphs
- Travelling sales-person problems
- Polygonizations of point sets
- Monotonic polygonizations
- Problem Assignment: Text:
Problems 48.6 and 49.16.
Reading Assignment
- Text: Section 47 - Subgraphs, Section 48 - Connection, Section 49
- Trees. Pages 399-421.
- Web: Orthogonal
Connect-the-Dots (Play with the applet.)
Lecture 2:
- More on Hamiltonian graphs
- Polygonizations of point sets
- Star-shaped polygonizations
- Orthogonal connect-the-dots
- Text: Chapter 9, Section 50, pp. 421-427.
Week 13 - Monday April 18 and
Wednesday April 20
Lecture 1: Patriot's Day
- No classes
Lecture 2:
- Measures of variability
- Expected complexity of algorithms
- Bucket sorting in linear expected time
- More on Hamiltonian cycles and paths
- Proof of Ore's theorem on cycle-Hamiltonicity of dense
induction and the Pigeonhole Principle
- Handout:
Sorting - Expected Complexity
- Handout: Proof
of Ore's Theorem via Backwards Induction
Week 14 - Monday April 25 and
Wednesday April 27
Lecture 1:
- Decision theory
- Bayes' Rule
- Bayes' Theorem
- Parametric decision rules
- Linear discriminat functions
- The threshold logic unit as a classifier
- Non-parametric decision rules
- The k-Nearest-Neighbor decision rule
Lecture 2:
- Eulerian circuits
- Eulerian tours and the Konigsberg bridge problem
- The Euler-Hierholzer Theorem
- Sub-circuit merging algorithm for computing Euler circuits
- Fleury's algorithm for computing Euler circuits or paths
- Map coloring
- The four-color theorem
- Text: Section 50 - Eulerian Graphs
- Web: Fleury's
Algorithm Explained
- Web: 3.2 - Graph isomorphism
- Web: 3.3 - Graph planarity
- Web: Applet
for Fleury's Algorithm for Eulerian Paths and Cycles
Week 15 - Monday May 2
Lecture 1:
- More map (graph) coloring
- Scheduling problems via graph coloring
- The chromatic number of a graph
- Proof that every planar graph has a vertex of degree at most 5
- Induction proof of the the 5-color theorem for planar graphs
- Text: Section 51 - Coloring, pp. 427-435.
- Text: Section 52 - Planar Graphs, The 5-Color Theorem, pp.
- Handout: Map-Graph-Coloring.pdf