Theorem1: A simple polygon may be convexified
with O(n2) reversals while maintaining simplicity after each reversal.
Theorem2: A star-shaped polygon can be convexified
with O(n2) edge-swaps while maintaining star-shapedness after each edge-swap,
and bound is tight in the worst case.
For Proof [2]
Theorem3: Determining whether a signed polygon may
be permutated using transpositions so that its shape is rotated by an
angle of 180 takes Teta(nlogn) time in the algebraic decision tree model
of computation.
For Proof [2]
Theorem4: Determining whether we can obtain the mirror
image of a signed polygon using transpositions takes Teta(nlogn) time
in the algebraic decision tree model of computation.
For Proof [2]
This result holds for the more restricted reversal operation of Filpturns.
Therefore, I will prove that any simple polygon with n vertices
will be convexified after any sequence of at most n(n-3) Flipturns,
and more generally (n(s - 1)/2) - s Flipturns with s being the number
of different edges slopes in the polygon.
Fig of Flipturns:
First we will define Flipturns:
- A pocket p=(vi, ….
, vj) of a simple polygon P is a subchain of P such that vi and vj are
on the convex hull of P an all the vk suck that i<k<j are not
on the convex hull of P.
- A lid l(vi,vj) is
the line segment joining the two endpoint of a pocket.
- A Flipturn is a
rotation of a pocket p=(vi,…. , vj) by 180 degrees about the midpoint
of the lid l(vi,vj).

And now some notations:
- dir(ei): The direction of an edge ei of P.
The set of all directions
and their negations used by edges of P.
(with m being
the number of directions): one plus the number of other directions in
S between di and dj as we rotate di in the counterclockwise direction.
s = |S/2|.
w(vi) <= s-1 which implies that w(P) <= n(s-1)
Assumption we wont prove:
LEMMA1: For any convex polygon P, we have w(P)
= 2s
LEMMA2: r + b - r’ - b’ >= 2.
Let r and b be
the weight of vi and vj, respectively, before performing a flipturn
and let r’ and b’
be the weight of the vi and vj, respectively, after performing the flipturn.
Therefore, since the weight of P is at most n(s - 1) [according
to the observations] and once convexified it will be 2s [according
to LEMMA1]. Also LEMMA2 says that the weight of P decreases by
at least 2 after every flipturn:
Let F be the number of Flipturns
n(s - 1) - 2F = 2s
2F = n(s - 1) - 2s
F = n(s - 1)/ 2 - s
End Of Proof
If we take s as been equal to n [n edges => n different
edge slopes], the number of Filpturns is O(n2)