ELC Workshop on Polyhedral Approaches: Extension complexity and pivoting lower bounds

Main      Schedule     Access   Background

June 14: Arashiyama 

10am-1pm: Arrival at Community Sagano: leave luggage, free discussions,  lunch outside on you own.

1:20 pm: Opening
1:30-2:15 pm   Volker Kaiebel
Introduction to extended formulations,  slack matrices, their factorization, and combinatorial lower bounds  extension complexity.

2:30-3:15 pm   Sebastian Pokutta
Communication complexity and information theory as a method to obtain lower bounds.

3:30-4:15 pm    Kostya Pashkovich
Lower bounds for symmetric extensions.

4:30-5:15 pm    Hans Tiwary
Randomized protocols and proving bounds for extension complexity from classical reductions.

5:15-5:30 First day wrap-up, fix schedule for following day.

5:30-6:30 Welcome party

6:30-         Dinner at hotel

June 15: Arashiyama

Breakfast at hotel

9:00 - noon  TBA and discussion

12-2:00        Lunch outside

2-5:30.         TBA and discussion

6:30-            Dinner outside

June 16: Arashiyama

Breakfast at hotel

9:00 - noon  TBA and discussion

Check-out, lunch outside, excursion

June 17-19 meetings will be held in the clock tower, Yoshida campus, building 3 on this map

June 17 Kyoto University (Yoshida campus)

9:00 - noon  TBA and discussion

12-2:00        Lunch outside

2-5:30.         TBA and discussion

  June 18 Kyoto University (Yoshida campus)

9:00 - noon  TBA and discussion

12-2:00        Lunch outside

2-5:30.         TBA and discussion

June 19 Kyoto University (Yoshida campus)

9:00 - 10:30  TBA and discussion

10:30 -12 noon. Closing lecture.
Bill Cook
goes in search of the travelling salesman. Research Building No. 8, Room 328
                          (Building 59 on this map )

For those who want even more, we have the Survivor's lecture:

June 20 Kyoto University (Yoshida campus)

David Bremner,
Finding a minimum norm point on a polyhedral boundary,
                          Research Building No.7 (formerly Engineering No. 10), Joho1 (1F)
                          (Building 67 on this map )

Followed by coffee and petit fours in my office, room 404 of the same building.

Organizers: David Avis (avis@i.kyoto-u.ac.jp) Naoki Katoh (naoki@archi.kyoto-u.ac.jp)