Links to software for polyhedral computation:
- azove is Markus
Behle's tool for counting (without explicit enumeration) and
enumeration of 0/1 vertices of a polytope.
- cdd+/cddlib:
Komei Fukuda's programs and library implementing the Double
Description Method of Motzkin et al.
- LattE:
counting and detecting lattice points inside convex polytopes,
and the solution of integer programs by Jesus De Loera et al.
- pd: A
primal-dual method for vertex enumeration by David Bremner,
Komei Fukuda and Ambros Marzetta.
(POlyhedron Representation Transformation Algorithm): a
collection of routines for analyzing polytopes and polyhedra
implemented by Thomas Christof and Andreas Löbel.
- Polymake: a
versatile tool for the algorithmic treatment of polytopes and
- New
Polka: a library to handle convex polyhedra by Bertrand
- Normaliz:
a tool for
computations in affine monoids,
vector configurations, lattice polytopes,
and rational cones
- PolyLib: the
successor of the library by Wilde and Le Verge.
- PPL: The Parma
Polyhedra Library (PPL) is a modern C++ library providing
numerical abstractions especially targeted at applications in
the field of analysis and verification of complex systems
written by this team
- Qhull: Computes the convex
hull, Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagram, etc. in 2-d, 3-d,
4-d, and higher dimensions.
- QSopt
A callable function library to solve linear programming
problems written by David Applegate,
William Cook,
Dash, and Monika
- Bimatrix by Rahul
Savani is a free web interface to lrsnash
- GameTheoryExplorer
is a software tool to create and analyze games as models
of strategic interaction created by Mark Egesdal, Alfonso
Gomez-Jordana, Christion Pelissier,Martin Prause, Rahul Savani
and Bernhard Von Stengel (contains Bimatrix)
- aGrUM/pyAgrum which is a library to
create, infer and learn graphical models such as Bayesian
networks, influence diagrams, decision trees, GAI networks or
Markov decision processes.
- polco
enumerates extreme rays of polyhedral cones. It can also be used
to enumerate vertices of polytopes, and for the dual problem,
the enumeration of facets given the extreme points
- Polyhedral:
Mattieu Dutour Sikirić's code which exploits
symmetries to speed up computations on polyhedra and lattices,
including vertex/facet enumeration
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