The VoronoImage Gallery

In this page you will find a series of images obtained by using Mark Grundland's VoronoImage program on an input consisting of the image of my portrait imediately below. I hope you enjoy the paintings on display.

My portrait transformed

The original image.

My portrait transformed

Voronoi diagram with many points and small Voronoi cells.

My portrait transformed

Voronoi diagram with fewer points and slightly larger Voronoi cells.

My portrait transformed

Voronoi diagram with few points and large Voronoi cells. The generating points are uniformly and randomly distributed. Here, even if you squint your eyes you will not be able to recognize me.

My portrait transformed

Here there are fewer generating points still and they are arranged in an outward circular pattern. Hence my very neat tie! If you recognize me here, I will be insulted.

My portrait transformed

Here the generating points contain some strong symmetries. It starts looking like a Mondrian or Vassarelli painting!

My portrait transformed

Now ain't that a beauty? Another symmetrical set of generating points. It looks like me wearing a Darth Vader mask. My triangular tie is out of this world!

My portrait transformed

More complicated effects here using fractal Voronoi diagrams. The cells near the center of the picture are smaller than those on the outskirts. See Mark Grundland's page to get a more detailed explanation of this.

My portrait transformed

Yours truly with a punk haircut! Same as above but with larger Voronoi cells. A "cubist" portrait?

My portrait transformed

Same process as above but with color changes.

My portrait transformed

Another variant of the above process. The algorithm decided to endow me with a handle-bar moustache.

My portrait transformed

Same as above but with added smudging to give the effect of an oil painting.

This exhibition is courtesy of Mark Grundland and his software package VoronoImage. If you enjoyed it why don't you check out his page. You can do zillions of other nice things with VoronoImage!