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lrs3.2a is no longer being maintained, but
source and documentation are still available. It is recommended to
use Version 4.0 instead.
lrs3.2a is a self-contained ANSI C implementation of the
reverse search algorithm for vertex enumeration/convex hull problems.
It finds all vertices and rays of a polyhedron defined by a system of inequalities,
and finds a system of inequalities describing the convex hull of a set
of vertices and rays. It works in any dimension, for bounded or unbounded
polyhedra. All computations are done exactly in extended precision arithmetic.
Output is not stored in memory, so even problems with very large output
sizes can sometimes be solved.
A full description and installation instructions are contained
in the
guide. A theoretical
and some computational
results are also available. The program, user's guide and test files can
be also obtained from the
ftp site
or by anonymous ftp from, by logging in as ftp and changing
directory to pub/C.
The program can be distributed freely under the GNU
GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Please read the file COPYING carefully before using.
David Avis
Computer Science, McGill University, 3480 University,
Montreal , Quebec, Canada H3A 2A7
last update: 2000.9.12