Experimental Comparison

    Here we take a look at the experimental results from the old algorithm and new algorithms in comparison to the fastest known algorithms in the field. The algorithms presented below are as follows:

    Below we have the results for testing on random text with m=10, m=20 and m=30, respectively:

Random text with m=10 Random text, m=20 Random text, m=30

Legend for random test results

    The above results show that for s = 32 the new algorithm (Ours) is more efficient than any other for a < 1/2, after which point the Myers and BYN algorithms outperform it. Results for experiments on English text follow, again for m = 10, m = 20, and m = 30, respectively:

English text, m=10 English text, m = 20 English text, m = 30

English text run legend

    The test runs on English text yield slightly different results, with the new algorithm being fastest for a < 1/3, and the Agrep algorithm outperforming the original algorithm(BYP).  We can thus observe that the hierarchical verification and splitting optimization introduced in this new string searching algorithm have brought with them an improvement over the previous fastest algorithms in the field, and have a higher tolerance for error than the aforementioned.