McGill University - School of Computer Science

Computational Geometry Seminar

Everybody is welcome.

DATE: Monday, December 8th, 1997
TIME: 12h00 - 13h00
PLACE: McConnell 320N
TITLE: "Parallel vertex enumeration and other applications of the search library ZRAM"
SPEAKER: Ambros Marzetta, ETH Zurich

Vertex and facet enumeration of convex polytopes is a time-consuming computation, which can be accelerated dramatically with the use of parallel computers. In this talk, we describe a parallel reverse search algorithm and its implementation. It consists of two problem-specific functions (local search and adjacency oracle) implemented on top of a generic parallel reverse-search engine providing an abstract interface. The same engine can be used to parallelize other applications of reverse search easily. The reverse-search engine and a similar branch-and-bound engine are parts of the parallel search workbench ZRAM. More information is available at
This information is available at
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