McGill University - School of Computer Science

Computational Geometry Seminar

Everybody is welcome.

DATE: Friday, October 24th, 1997
TIME: 12h00 - 13h00
PLACE: McConnell 320
TITLE: "On Embedding an Outer-Planar Graph in a Point Set"
SPEAKER: Prof. Prosenjit Bose, School of Computer Science, Carleton University

Given an n-vertex outer-planar graph G and a set P of n points in the plane, we present an O(n log3 n) time and O(n) space algorithm to compute a straight-line embedding of G in P, improving upon the a previous algorithm that requires O(n2) time. Our algorithm is near-optimal as there is an Omega(n log n) lower bound for the problem. We present a simpler O(n d) time and O(n) space algorithm to compute a straight-line embedding of G in P where log n <= d <= 2n is the length of the longest vertex disjoint path in the dual of G. Therefore, the time complexity of the simpler algorithm varies between O(n log n) and O(n2) depending on the value of d. More efficient algorithms are presented for certain restricted cases. If the dual of G is a path, then an optimal Theta(n log n) time algorithm is presented. If the given point set is in convex position then we show that O(n) time suffices.
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