The Polygon Intersector Applet
How to use the applet:
It takes a little while to get the applet user interface loaded; expect
about 10 seconds if you are located in a school lab near University
of Montreal; if you are using a modem, it will of course take a little
longer. It shouldn't go over 30 seconds (it's an 85Kb download).
On some viewers (such as netscape), the java.awt.MediaTracker is a bit
broken. As a result, the very first time a vertex of a polygon should
appear, it may take some time to display (2-5 seconds; it's another 400
bytes download).
Draw the polygons in CLOCKWISE order. The user interface will not
let you draw something that is not convex or is not in clockwise order.
Try it and you'll see.
When in insert mode, the vertex to be inserted must be next to the last
vertex inserted, in clockwise order. I haven't implemented inserts at arbitrary
points on the polygon.
Resizing the window will give you extra precision, not extra space.
The source code of the applet is available here
(tar.gz format). The javadoc-generated documentation can be found
here. It is rather terse, but it is still
useful as a reference while reading the source code..