The General Idea...
For humans, it is relatively easy to distinguish and classify an
object, according to the visual information we obtain from looking
at the object. For example most people would be able to
distinguish an apple from an orange easily, or the sun from the
moon. However, for a computer this is a very complex
task. The idea here is to use
shape morphing to gather the necessary information that will allow a computer to classify a shape according to
the shapes that that the computer already has in its database.
For example, if we have the following three shapes in the

Images in an image database

and a user drew the following shape,
User drawn image
then we would want our program to match it to the purple arrow,
and not any of the other shapes in our database, even though it is
rotated 90 degrees and a different color.
Shapes are represented by their contours. Using the
contour information a morph is performed between the user drawn shape and the
template objects (target shapes) stored in the database. The
cost of a morph is measured with a physics-based method, and the
morph that produces the smallest cost in the deformation of the
original object to an already existing object in the database, is
chosen as the closest match. The user drawn object is then
classified as this template.
If this seems like an innovative
method of pattern recognition to you, then read on!

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Just a Little
For a pattern recognition algorithm to be successful it should
follow the following properties, which were presented by Arkin et
al. (as taken from [1]):
- The measure should be metric
- It should be invariant under translation, rotation and scale
- It should be easy to compute
- It should match intuitive notions of shape resemblance
This method manages to encompass all of these properties as well
- An algorithm should be able to handle convex and non-convex
objects and should also function in the presence of open as well
as closed objects.
- The algorithm should be able to recognize shapes with
deformations, that is, if there is noise in the image, the
algorithm should be able to exclude it and still come up with the
right answer.
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How to Represent the
Objects Efficiently...
The authors chose to represented shapes by their contours.
The contour of a shape is taken to be outer hull of the

Image Contour
The contour is chosen for a number of reasons:
- It is easily attainable.
- A variety of objects are already described by their contours.
- It can be thought of as a higher order
curve, therefore algorithms that use it to describe objects are extendible to recognize a variety of other classes of
shapes such as hand drawn images and writing.
However, it is not the entire contour that we are really
interested in since there can be a huge number of points on the
contour of an object, and finding a correspondence between them
could require a large amount of computation (I will talk more about
what a correspondence is soon). What we really want,
are the points where the object has large minimums and maximums, or
the areas where the object bends and folds (in essence we want to
find the corners of the objects, or the points which make the object
unique). We will then use this approximation of the shape as
our object contour.
For example, the interesting points of the above contour are
illustrated by the small square in the image below:

Segmentation points on an image contour
Our polygon contours are represented as a sequence of points and
lines in our java applet. (See java
applet for more information). A shape is then segmented
using a
segmenting algorithm to find the areas of interest and to reduce
the number of points that will be involved in the morphing
process. Once the polygon has been segmented, we are left with
a new polygon approximation of the original polygon.
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And Then There was Shape
Morphing and Recognition...
The word morph is short for metamorphoses, which means to change
from one state to another. We are using a morphing process
specifically to gather information that will allow our program to recognize an object and to classify it according to
existing objects already contained in a database of shapes.
The morph proceeds by deforming (stretching and
bending) the source polygon (inputted by the user) until it matches
the target polygon (contained in the database of shapes). A morph is
created between the user drawn shape and each template object in the
database. In order
to create a morph between the source and target contours, the
algorithm first needs to specify a correct correspondence between
the key points obtained in segmentation of the source and target
contours. This is done by mapping, the key points on the contour of
the source object with those on the target polygon.
In the example below, we have a point correspondence specified by
the color of the points on the corners of the triangles. The
point correspondence is formulated in such a way that the morph that
will ensue between the the input and target shape will have the
smallest cost.

Point Correspondence between 2 triangles. The color
correspondence shows which points correspond to each other.
However, it needs to be stated that two shapes, the input shape
and the target shape, may not have the same number of segmentation
points. If this is the case then two points (or more) in the
source contour can map to the same point in the target contour. Once
a correspondence is created, then a cross-dissolve plus a warp is
used to formalize the morph.
Below is an example of one of the morphs that the authors
generated using this algorithm.

Morph between an input image and a template image, that is the same as
the input image but rotated by 45 degrees.
To obtain the best possible point correspondence possible between
the source and target polygon they used a physics based approach
which measures the amount of stretching and bending required to
morph the source contour into the target contour. For each pair of
points (or triplets of points) in the correspondence they use the
following formulas to compute the amount of stretching and bending
energy. To compute the amount of stretching energy required to morph
the source into the target the following is used:
where: K(s) is the stretching stiffness parameter
L(O) is the length of the segment in the user drawn polygon
L(T) length of the segment in the target polygon
L(I) is the length of the segment at the intermediate point between
the input polygon and the target polygon.
c(s) is the
penalty that is incurred for line segments collapsing to points.

In the above image, we have A as the initial input polygon, with
segment L(o), the target polygon B with segment L(T), and C is the
intermediate polygon with line segment L(I) (which is the
interpolation of the line segments L(o) and L(T)). The red and
blue points specify the point correspondences between the three
The above formula measures the amount of stretching energy
between each pair of line segments specified by the point
correspondence. The total amount of stretching energy needed to
create the morph is the sum of all the stretching energies summed over all
line line segments.
To calculate the amount of bending energy, the following formula
is used:
where: K(b) is the bending stiffness parameter
Phi(O) is the
original angle between the point triplets in the user drawn image
Phi(T) is the angle of the point triplets in the target polygon
Phi(I) is the angle created by the point triplets in the
intermediate polygon. (The polygon formed by the interpolation of
the input polygon and the target polygon)

In the above image, we have A as the initial input polygon, with
angle Phi(o), the target polygon B with angle Phi(T), and C is the
intermediate polygon with angle Phi(I) (which is the
interpolation of the line segments L(o) and L(T)). The red, blue,
and purple points specify the point correspondences between the three
The above formula measures the amount of bending energy required
between each triplet of points in the point correspondence and
computes the cost of the angular deformation of the contour. Similar
to the way that the the total amount of stretching energy was
computed, we compute the total amount of bending energy required by
taking the sum over all point correspondences.
To test all the different possible point correspondences, an
exhaustive search method is employed, and then the best result form
all these is used.
The point correspondence that yields the smallest values in both
E(s) and E(b) is chosen as the optimal one, since it is the morph between the two polygons that requires the least
amount of stretching and bending to create the morph.
Once we have the best point correspondence between the user drawn
object and each template in the database, the template that would
create the smallest morphing cost (and hence has the smallest E(s)
and E(b) over all objects in the database) is chosen as the object
which the user drawn template will be classified as. Since
this is the object that requires the least amount of deformation
between it and the user drawn image, it is therefore (by this
measurement), the most similar to the user drawn image.
To summarize the overall recognition process, it is done as
- First: For each template in the database, we find the
best point correspondence between it and the user drawn image out
of all possible point correspondences.
- Second: Once we
have completed 1, we can then choose the template object that
causes the smallest morphing cost between it and the input object
based on the angular and stretching cost of the morph.
- The information obtained in the first two steps are then used
to transform the input object into the target object.
(Giving us the morph of the input and target polygons).
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After all that Reading, How
About Checking out our Java Applet for a More Intuitive Feel for the
Please follow this
link to see the applet and to read about the details of our
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Or Maybe You Just Want to
Check out Some of Their Results...
In this paper it is interesting to note that the results of the
algorithm will only be as good as the segmentation algorithm used to
select the key points from the original contour. In there
experiments, misclassification was usually caused by improper
selection of the feature points of the contour. It also must be said
that because objects and sketches are morphed using only the
contours of the object, if the object is shaded in any way, or if
there is poor illumination on the object then the algorithm will
break down since an improper contour of the object would be obtained
for the shape.
They tested the algorithm in three different
Case 1: Recognition of Rigid Objects
this experiment, they used 16 template objects which were stored in
a database. They used 80 test objects which were images taken of the
16 template objects but at various rotations and translation with
added noise. The table below summarizes the results they obtained
for this experiment.
Case 2:
Recognition of Deformable Shapes
Deformable shapes were classified as hand-drawn outlines of
objects, sketches of natural images, and contours obtained from
real-world objects. 15 shapes were used in total, and 4 sketches of
each shape were stored in the database as templates for a total of
60 objects to choose from. To conduct this experiment, people were
shown what sketches were in the database briefly, but then had to
sketch their own representation of the object without the templates
in front of them. In this way, the results in the table below were
Case 3: Recognition of Unconstrained Cursive
For this experiment they used 10 randomly chosen words and each
user provide one template sample to store in the database for a
total of 40 words per user in the database. They also asked each
user to provide 4 test samples of the each of the 10 words to test
the recognition algorithm with. The table below shows the results of
these experiments.
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Rahul Singh, Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos: Planar shape recognition
by shape morphing.
Pattern Recognition 33(10): 1683-1699 (2000).